Saturday, September 23, 2006

We have winners!!!

Regarding my previous post opening the contest to see who would be the first to chat with me, using my new DSL connection -- this is the announcement of the winners!

Much to my surprise, my mother was not the first person to text chat with me. She came in a close 2nd. Thanks for trying, Mom. *smile*

The winner for first to text chat with me was my friend Vanessa in Michigan.

And the winner for first to voice chat and to give me a peek into his life using a webcam was my friend Rob in Michigan.

The text chat was on MSN Messenger and the voice/video was using Skype. Quality is really great! *grin* still have time to be a winner by getting into a voice conversation with me on MSN Messenger, or any type of chat on Yahoo Instant Messenger.

What did they win?

Well, Bob...they win visits from me! Yes, that's right! Upon my return from Michigan, they'll be lucky enough to have me come spend time with them.

Is this really a prize? *laugh* We'll have to see what they think!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does that mean those of us who lost don't get visits? :-(