Saturday, September 30, 2006

This strange English language,

Last night, someone said "good evening" to me in English.

He meant "good night".

But they _should_ be the same, shouldn't they? The words "evening" and "night" are almost the same, so why not use them interchangably?

What a great language!

Here's my take on the subject in American English (British, Canadian, and Australian might be different):

"Good evening." is only used as greeting, but "Have a good evening." is a way of saying "goodbye".

"Good night." or "Have a good night." are both ways of saying "goodbye".

But, from the Hardy Boys books in my childhood, I also learned that "Good night!" is an old way of saying "Oh, my goodness!"

Further thoughts on this? Please comment!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, I am tired of reading about the man in the underwear. You need something new for us. Also eventho it doesn't show comments, you really do have comments for your blog. Just thought you should know.

What have you been doing?? We would love to hear.