Thursday, July 06, 2006

Still more about the environment!

I was going to leave for Cairo early this morning but changed my mind and instead I'll go later this afternoon. Not much to say, but a couple of links to keep you thinking.

25 Ways to Help Curb Climate Change (from Parade Magazine, via my boss Linda)

Linda responded positively to my email with suggestions about the environment, and it now seems that I have opened the proverbial "can of worms" on this b/c she is passionate about it as well. Or at least, she has pet peeves about several things. I guess Barrette has some concerns too, so I'll see if we can change some things...

Speaking of Barrette and Sandy, they recently added a "How to do things in Egypt" section to their website. I love these 2! They do cool stuff like this on their website, so I don't have to!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am looking into the energy efficient light bulbs. And we have already turned our hotwater heater down. I am happy to say that I reuse the Kroger bags each time I shop and receive a credit of 5 cents for each bag. I just feel so happy when I do that:)

This week I have made just 1 trip to Hillsdale and did all my errands, shopping, visiting businesses to collect for CF Calendar ads, and banking. I am very conscious of gas prices and usage.
