Monday, July 03, 2006

A challenge to you!!!

Here's my last long entry for a couple of days. I'll try to write short things the next few days, but probably nothing with much substance.

So...I'll give you some things to keep you busy while you're waiting for me to post more good things! *laugh*

The first thing is a challenge to each of you...and I want to receive responses (and maybe pictures) about this so that I know you did it. It concerns the environment, but it also goes along with the idea of “Independence Day”.

Yesterday, I came across an article which clearly shows the major advantages of switching from traditional light bulbs to high-efficiency ones. (from the BBC)

It's not a difficult thing to do. You go to your local Target, Meijer, Sam's Club, WalMart, or similar place and buy the new bulbs. Then you go home, replace the old bulbs and immediately start getting a return on your initial investment by using electricity. Before long, the new bulbs will have more than paid for themselves.

If you search for "CFL" on the Sam's Club website, you get a list of products. You'll have to do a bit more hunting at the other places and I didn't have the time to look b/c a basic search didn't show me anything.

Now...are you going to do it? And if “no”, why not?

You might be asking yourself “so, what should I do with the old bulbs?” That's a good question and I'll try to find some practical suggestions for you. My first thought is to do something artistic, or give them to an artist friend who can paint a scene of some sort on the outside and make it into a Christmas decoration or something... Other ideas?

Anyway, that's my “Happy Independence Day” message to you. Make the switch and become less dependent on energy. *grin*

The next thing is that I cleaned up the apartment a bit this morning so that I could take some pictures. I don't have my room arranged yet, so there are no pics of that, but I did put up some of the “entry room”, the master bedroom, dining room, and kitchen. Such a beautiful place!

Last night, I didn't feel very well and could feel that I was a bit feverish. Sure enough, I battled for sleep all through the night, but woke up this morning feeling OK. I still have that yucky taste in my mouth that often goes along with me not feeling well (does anyone else get that?), but once I get moving, have a bit of lunch, and head for class I should be alright.

Today is my first meeting with 2 groups. One of these is Level 3 and I haven't taught a level this low in a long time. I'm trying to get myself mentally prepared for the size of the group (between 7 and 9 students) and to change my language so that I don't talk too quickly or with vocabulary that is over their heads. Part of the group came from Level 2 and their teacher uses quite a bit of Arabic when she explains things, so I hope they're ready for me! We even have the books, so we can start right away today with our lessons.

Level 6 has 8 students, which is a good size. At this level, we're still doing grammar (along with reading/writing/listening), but we try to push the speaking. I'll get to have both of these classes in the air conditioning, so that's a good way to start. We won't have the books until Wednesday, so I need to prepare some activities for today's class.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How do we find the new pics of your new place?? I will reread the info on the lightbulbs, and pass the info to others.
