Saturday, April 19, 2003

I just got back from a performance at my church of the "Combined Churches Choir". People from different English-speaking churches around Cairo get together for this traveling group. They're good!!! The music to go with them is on tape, but their voices area amazing. The only song I recognized was "I Lift Your Name", but they were all really good.

One called "My Holy Cry" really struck me, so I want to share the lyrics:

I'm poisoned by the lies this world's been feeding me.
It's no longer an avoidable reality.
Self-centered living never leaves a heart at peace.
I must cut my ties with this world, repent, and turn and flee.

I cry out to You Lord. Will you answer me?
Holy Spirit, flow; come and set me free.
I lift my eyes to see Your face.
Lord, I worship You on high and in Your grace,
I seek Your will. This is my holy cry.

The decadence around me wants to put my soul to death.
And I know full well this compromise
Has caused my soul's distress.
I'm hearing hatred raging like a lion's roar.
Lord, I am for peace, but what they speak is only war.

-----quite a song, eh? Comments???

Our minister and one of the women from our church who is in the choir both asked me if I wanted to sing with them next year, when I told them how wonderful it was... Is that weird, or what? I'm guessing that they really need male voices, since out of a group of about 70, only about 20 were guys. They only perform at Christmas and Easter, so I have awhile to think about it and with me in Tanta, it would be difficult (bordering on impossible) to do, but I might look into the possibility.

After that, I watched a bit of soccer on TV. The 2 big Egyptian teams were playing each other, so I looked at the TV in a coffee shop to see the end.

Arabic is going well, but I've devoted time to it today that I wish I could have given to my teaching course. I need to look things over tonight and then spend most of tomorrow on a lesson plan (for Monday), meeting with my classmates, and working on an assignment (for Wednesday)

----Thinking about fun things…I got to chat with my good friend Mike for about 30 minutes last night on MSN Messenger. Among other things, he told me that I should think about making one main “pictures” page with the links to all my different photos. It’s an idea I had been thinking about, so when I have a bit of time, I’ll try to add that. Maybe on Tuesday?

But now, it’s time for some email and studying…

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