Sunday, October 08, 2006

One bag of stuff

A week or so ago, my boss James came to Tanta. He drove, so I took the opportunity to send some things back to Cairo with him. I had him take back my big suitcase, half-filled with things I won't need for the next few months, souvenirs, etc.

I'm hoping that with this already in Cairo and with me making a few weekend trips to Cairo in November, I'll be able to get everything there without needing to have a car load driven in from Tanta. I think I'll be able to do it!

So, on Friday when I was in Cairo, I added more things to the bag that I've been storing at the apartment I stay in. The bag is full! *laugh* No surprise there! Now the next time I'm in Cairo, I need to weigh the bag to see how much it weighs. I'm a little worried about that, but I should be able to shift some books to my big backpack to balance things out if necessary. I just want to get a general idea of where I'm at with weight. Currently, 23kg (about 50 pounds) is the max allowed per bag.

Hopefully, next weekend I'll hear more about my flight reservation.

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