Sunday, July 09, 2006

A little behind on the news

Well, it seems like I'm a bit late in "discovering" cars that burn used cooking oil. This afternoon, I did a Google search with just the really basic terms of "cooking", "oil", and "diesel". The number of results was in the thousands! Including these:

--the creator of the Diesel engine talked in 1912 about using vegetable oils in his engines
--July 1, 2006 Washington Post article: "Grease Guzzlers" and which sell conversion kits for various types of cars/trucks
--the BBC was reporting on this topic back in August 2002
--a local ABC station from Michigan with details about a recent Consumer Reports test of a car they converted to run on cooking oil

But my personal favorite and at the top of my "high potential for disaster list" is:

"Home mixing of used vegetable oil into fuel for diesel engines"

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