Friday, March 07, 2003

Listening to the “Missundaztood” album by Pink right now. Amusing stuff. Lively, which matches my day, I guess!

Today I played Frisbee! The sun was out, I was able to wear shorts (the Egyptian men were wearing shorts, so I did too!), so it was great! We didn’t play Ultimate Frisbee b/c we only had 5 people but we’re going to make this a regular weekly thing and more people will be there next week.

I met another one of Darren’s friends from St. Andrews Church, where he is volunteering. I’m meeting lots of people through Darren, which is good. It would have been a lot harder getting connected if not for him. I should make sure to thank him sometime. Annie was the organizer of the Frisbee-playing. She’s a born/raised Californian who went to Berkley. She’s happy to have people who want to join her for Frisbee.

Annie brought 2 Sudanese guys from St. Andrews. Neither of them had ever played Frisbee before, but they both caught on really quickly! We played for a couple of hours but had to stop around 4pm so that one of the Sudanese guys could go to St. Andrews for a play that he was performing in. It’s part of the English-education program there to put on dramas and practice English by learning the English dialogue and performing.

The play was good and quite funny! It was set in the 1970’s and concerned the political situation in the Sudan. Essentially, it evolved around a woman who was wrongfully accused of a crime and was being hunted by the authorities. She asked for protection from a deacon, so he had to reconcile lying about her being in home with keeping her safe from the military. All the performers did quite well.

The guy who played Frisbee with us was named Hashim and he played a priest of sorts. This Hashim guy is amazing. He is very good with English, has learned Egyptian Coloquial Arabic (that’s what I have my classes in), plus his native language is one of the Sudanese dialects. Now, he’s trying to learn Spanish, French, and Italian! I guess his brain is just wired to absorb languages!

Speaking of which, I should study some of my Arabic yet tonight!

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