Thursday, March 28, 2002

Interesting article in the New Yorker called "The Myth of a Paperless Office". It's the discussion of a book by that name, but there's quite a bit of information in this review.

For those of you with messy desks, it gives you justification for it!

(and as many of you know, I love being able to justify things so it's great for me)

Also in the New Yorker is an article with new evidence of Saddam Hussein's genocidal war on the Kurds. Difficult topic, but important to read. It's very long, but a quick skim over the article will show you how powerful it is. I need to go back and finish up later.

On a happier note, it's time for the weekend!

Packing up tonight, going to Genesis, and stopping by to see my new roommate for a bit. Need to look at how we're going to network the computers and talk a bit about colors for my room.

Hopefully going to watch Space 2001 on Friday morning.

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