Tuesday, March 26, 2002

I'm a designer again.

Well, I've always considered myself more of a "web designer" than a "webmaster" (my actual job title) and over the past few months, my job has been slowly creeping even further into the "web developer" realm. That means dealing with databases, programming code, and lots of trial/error trying to figure out why something won't work and it usually ends up that you forgot a semi-colon or something.

But at least in the short term, I've been given a reprieve from that. Sure, I still need to be learning and fiddling with things on the development side but it looks like redesigning the look of the website, navigation, and some of the department areas is more important.


That's the bottom line. The college needs to concentrate on "revenue sources" like getting new students to take classes. Lots of 'em. Many new students would be good.

It seems like this is going to be a work-dominated post.

Sitting in my boss' office today, discussing all of this and going back-and-forth with out usual good-natured banter. He's a 30-something former English major, so we can relate to each other.

Anyway, the college closes at noon on Friday b/c of Good Friday and we have been trying to plan a going-away lunch for one of my co-workers. This is my last Friday not to be at the office before my schedule changes to 5 days x 8 hours.

But he asks me "are you available on Friday?".

I ask him, "can you define 'available'?" *smirk*

So he starts explaining that he's trying to plan the going-away lunch for Friday, since we don't work in the afternoon, etc. I begin to ask if we could do it on Thursday and then it hits me.

--He wants to do it on Friday b/c none of us need to go back to the office and that means we can have drinks with lunch!


His word for what I experienced was an "information bomb". Dennis (my boss) just dropped the information and then waited to see how long it would take before it exploded.


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