Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Jan. 8 -- Awesome Global Warming and Climate Change folks!

I needed to be in my office on Primary Day, so I wasn't out-and-about doing things. I was OK with that b/c most of the action was at polling locations with candidate campaign volunteers standing out with signs. Candidates stopped by different spots with no notice given, so it wasn't possible to plan to see them.

Even so, the wonderful people who I volunteer with in the Carbon Coalition (with funding from the League of Conversation Voters which put together were able to keep doing good stuff! I haven't talked with them yet to hear all that they were up to, but I saw signs during news broadcasts, so they were out there!

For me, it had been a late night on Monday. After all these months, I was finally able to make it to a Hillary event. Even better than that, Bill and Chelsea were also there! Most of the events are done with the "divide and conquer" technique so it was great to see them all together. Of course, this was the same day that we saw our first glimpse of a softer Hillary, so that made it even more exciting!

The event was badly planned in terms of parking and logistics, but inside things were done alright. They said 8pm, so we got there around 7.15 to avoid some of the trafic and to try to get a decent spot to stand. Usually at events, you just wait and wait and wait for the candidates to come and this was no exception, but...there was a warm-up band. Apparently, Hillary wasn't to be outdone by Huckabee's bass playing (frequently) and Jackson Browne and Bonnie Raitt playing some John Edwards events awhile back.

So, some local band played for awhile as we waited. Not great by any stretch -- but they were a decent distraction and it was a refreshing change from recorded music or no music at all!

About 9pm the Clintons arrived! Very cool to see them all together. Hillary gave a strong speech with Bill and Chelsea looking on behind her. At times, it looked like Chelsea was going to cry, but she kept her composure and cracked a smile every now and then.

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