Monday, May 15, 2006

Wow...can you all believe that this is my 4th post this month! And it's just the 15th!!! So, I'm taking the time to write, but what do I have to say?

Well, I can start by pointing you to an author that I've been reading? Can you believe that I've started reading _The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People_ by Stephen Covey? After years of thinking my friend Rob was a bit fanatical in his attachment to FranklinCovey, I think I now see that value of it. At least of the principles I've read in the book. Not sure if I'll go the planner route in the future, or not!

The book is from our MCC library in Cairo and my boss recommended that I read it. He just finished it and I generally like his reading choices. I'm quite shocked by how Christian the book is. I was quite ignorant of Covey's background, so I never knew that his ideas would connect with my beliefs. It's been a good discovery!

When I finish up my "Mission Statement", I'll post it here. Or maybe I'll even write out ideas as I'm working on it...

On a Tanta note, I ate "Jew's Mallow" with rice and chicken this evening with a friend and his grandmother. Anyone out there know what that is?

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