Thursday, May 18, 2006

"New to me" Coffee Shop

Well, I went to another “new to me” coffee shop on the way to class today. I have seen this one while walking to my courses these past 3 years and I finally stopped in to have some juice. Nice place. Very Islamic. Many verses from the Koran at the entrance and they even turned off the television during the call to prayer!

After class tonight, I experienced another first! -- seeing college-aged females at coffee shops in Tanta! Not just in 1, but in 3 different ones near the Faculty of Commerce. I was shocked! It was only 8pm, which is quite early so I thought that this was just a strange occurrence b/c of the location. But then, I was with some friends later at a coffee shop in a different part of town and there was a young woman there, too! Now this was even more extreme. She had a head-covering on (but face uncovered), was sitting with a young guy, and she was smoking a cigarette!! Wow!

Off to Cairo for the weekend, I think...more on Sunday!

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