Friday, March 21, 2003

Another entry for Friday…

Today didn't end up as I thought, but that seems to be a theme for me! *laugh* There were protests downtown again today and Darren and I tried to meet up with a friend of ours to play Frisbee, but we couldn't even get to her building. We think we heard the protesters in the distance, but all we saw were hundreds of riot police -- the big shields, sticks, etc. Crazy! So we stuck around for awhile and then were nicely asked to leave. No real danger, so it was interesting.

Yesterday, the protesters were right at the area by AUC, the American Embassy, and the big government building. Today, the police weren’t letting them get anywhere close! Dozens of trucks with many, many police for crowd control. No way the crowds were getting through today! On the way back, Darren got into a long conversation with some guy on the street who wanted to talk with him because he was white. The guy was fairly emotional and fairly anti-American, I guess. For some reason, people today kept asking Darren where he was from, and he answered “Canada”, which is true. People didn’t ask me, which is good. I’m not sure if I would have told people today that “I’m American”.

It’s tense here, that’s the best way I can describe it. Tense, but safe.

Just for reference, all of this is happening in downtown Cairo, which is nowhere near where I am living. Most of the time, I don’t make it down to that area.

Most of my day was spent working on a homework assignment for my teaching class. It's done and now I'll hand it in on Saturday. Thankfully, I also had some time to relax, too. Darren and I watched "Tommy Boy" here at our place tonight. What a silly flick!

I have class at 10am Saturday and I’m mostly done. My assignment is complete and printed out, but I should look over a couple of things in the morning.

Seems like I might be getting a cold. That’s not good, but we’ll see what happens.

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