Friday, May 07, 2010

Chamber Session part 2

Liker Building Methods

#1 -- Buttons & Badges & Widgets (see

#2 -- Tag, Tag, Tag
-- use the @ sign on Wall posts but doesn't work in comments (only in Facebook - won't work if linking posts from Twitter to Facebook)
-- tag friends in photos, videos, and notes when relevant

#3 -- Facebook Social Ads (price is similar to Google Adwords & very, very targeted)

#4 -- Link to Twitter (used SNHU as an example) -- doing it from Facebook automatically shortens post that goes on Twitter

#5 -- Personal Profile
Example of Denise Wakeman (who is 1 of the "firestarters")

#6 -- The Share Link (photos, videos, links, notes -- not wall post)

#7 -- Custom Landing Tabs (using FBML)

#8 -- Invite Fan Interaction (example was Monarchs) b/c people can tag themselves and then friends of those people see it in News Feed but have to go to the Fanpage to see it.

#9 -- Fan-Only Content (use static FBML to restrict things only to Fans)

#10 -- Outsource It!
-- paid services, social media assistants (Turbo Social Media?), Check: oversight, policies/procedures, relevance

Twitter -- Follower Building Method

#1 -- Hashtag Happiness
- thematic conversations (#SMSS10)
- traditions like Follow Friday (#FF)
- interests like #ski
- locaion like #NH

#2 -- Re-tweet (& be re-tweeted)
- add personal note, if room
- show's you're paying attention
- appears in people's mentions

#3 -- Get Listed
-, TwitDir, local tweeps, etc

#4 -- Use Services
- Refollow, Twiangulate, Twibes, Twubs, Mr. Tweet, Twitterholic, Retweet Radar

#5 -- Meet Offline
- Tweet-ups, Networking events, workshops/seminars, trade shows, conferences

#6 -- Monitor & Engage
- Tweetdeck, Google alerts, Social Mention, Jitter Jam

#7 -- Mine Media & Center of Influence Lists
-- MSM or trade groups, industry analysts, etc

#8 -- Mine the Competition
- they'll find you on Twitter anyway, won't know that you're following the same people, they've done legwork already, in the end could be doing both a favor (getting people the right info, not wrong (2 nearby colleges, with very different target markets)

#9 -- missed

#10 -- Outsource It
- Social media assistants,

Get Help if you Need it!

1. Ramp up your learning curve
2. Find a success partner
3. Turn it over to an expert

Outsourcing is going to be a big trend for 2010 -- 10-25% are already doing it

Montaigne Communications is doing social media for NH Travel & Tourism

Become a Liker at
Write on wall w/ comments & pics

Administrative panel -- control where fans vs. non-fans land when they first come to our page. Make customized welcome page,

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