Thursday, December 08, 2005 Cairo...again!!!!

Yes, this update is coming to you from the fine city of Cairo. Tanta? Yeah, I was there for 4 days this week!

I'm here to go to church on Friday morning, bake Christmas cookies with friends in the afternoon, then go to a party Friday night. It'll be a big day!

Saturday -- it's back to Tanta for a meeting with my bosses from Cairo, my director in Tanta, and the Bishop. Nothing bad, just to see how everything is going and talk about what we'll be doing this upcoming year.

Next week, I'll finish one of my classes (they asked to speed things up to be done before their university exams) but I'll keep going with my others until the 18th or 20th.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Made it back from a long weekend in Cairo. Would you believe that I was awake before 7am on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday mornings??? Crazy!

Thursday was so that I could observe some classes at Ein Shams University in Cairo. The director of my English program in Tanta teaches there and she invited me to see her students and talk with them a bit. I did this a year or so ago and it's quite the experience!! 60-80 students crammed into a small lecture room. Most of them were Muslim and a handful were fully veiled. (no, the veiled ones didn't talk to me)

I was running on caffeine most of the day! I had breakfast around 6, Nescafe at 10.45, and then Turkish coffee at 12.45. I was wired!! Finally had lunch around 3.30pm, before going to the Cathedral in Cairo to watch an MCC'er teach 2 classes and help with them a bit. Big, big day of being in classes!!!!

After that? I went to a band playing African music and then to dinner at 11pm.

More later about the rest of the weekend!