Thursday, July 20, 2006

More MCC news from/about Lebanon

As the situation worsens and evacuations continue, Mennonite Central Committee is providing various news stories.

When I posted this, the main news page contained several links about Lebanon. In case that changes, here are the direct links:

1) MCC workers prepare for evacuation
2) In the midst of chaos, MCC begins Lebanese response efforts

Am I nervous?

A friend asked me today, "why do you get so nervous sometimes?".

When Egyptians use the word "nervous" in English, it includes "frustrated", "agitated", "upset" and similar words.

So, why am I that way sometimes? Lately, I've been trying to blame it on the heat. But that's not all of it. I could also explain it by saying that even though I'm staying in a nice apartment right now, I feel unsettled b/c I don't know where I'll be living for my last couple of months here. Yes, that's part...

But I think that the biggest thing getting to me right now is that for most of my time here in Egypt, I put the U.S. behind me and concentrated on things here. While doing that, I didn't compare the 2 places unless people asked me specific questions.

Now...I think about America a lot. I think about being back, seeing people, going places, job-hunting, and just living. I'm trying to enjoy things here in Egypt while I am still here, but it's hard right now. It's something like a "senior slump", maybe. It's been a great few years, but now it's coming to an end.

This is bringing up lots of feelings that I've been unconsciously or subconsciously pushing down. It seems like they're starting to come out more often than they should and in negative ways. *frown* I don't like to feel this way or to act the way I do sometimes with friends/students.

I think I just need to remember that I don't have to act this way and that I can change how I express these feelings. Maybe I just need to start talking about how I feel that I am behind on so many things when it comes to American life. Of course, not everything I've missed out on was good, but I think I'm starting to understand the possibilty for a "left behind" feeling when volunteers return after being gone for an extended period of time.

410 Yes -to- 8 No

I'm not sure I even know where to begin with this one. So, I'll just let you read the article.

House overwhelmingly backs Israel in vote

Something old about Palestine and Israel

I'm a bit behind on my news, so all I can give you is an old link. This is a newspaper interview that an MCC'er gave awhile back to some newspapers in the U.S. The MCC'er is living/serving in Jerusalem and travels all around Israel/Palestine.

Palestinians, Israelis need to admit wrongs

Monday, July 17, 2006

It's a bad sign... (recent Bush comment)

It's a bad sign when Bush uses an expletive while talking about current events with Tony Blair...

I'm sure most of you have seen/heard this by now, but I needed to make sure.

Another Lebanon connection

I'm still awaiting verification on this one, but I believe that the BBC has a piece featuring a Lebanese man who works in our MCC Beirut office. The spelling of his 2nd name is different than the way I know it, but the pronunciation would be the same, he's described as being a "charity worker", and his family details match what I know.

Closer and closer -- I've met this guy a couple of times during meetings in Egypt and he's a wonderful man, devoted to peace. He's worked with MCC for over 20 years!

-- Lebanese residents 'scared to go'

MCC news via Podcast

Thought I'd share this resource. My organization, Mennonite Central Committee has some news items available via Podcast. Recent clips include interviews from volunteers in Palestine and Lebanon.

Or subscribe to:

You can also read stories and stay update by reading MCC news stories.

Lebanon Evacution

It's sinking in that I have 4 American friends who will soon be part of the evacuation from Lebanon. A country that saw war for so many years, followed by an amazing rebuilding process is now being torn apart again. What is the general opinion in America of Israel's actions? Can't people see how extreme this all is?

I've been reading all I can in the mass media, plus some internal email messages from 2 MCC volunteers who have been living in Beirut the past 2 years. They don't know when they will leave, but expect it to be in a couple of days. It seems that other countries are giving details of how they will transport people, but the U.S. has not released this yet. My friends say that from their apartment they can see "a lineup of buses for Germans".

There is also a Lebanese staff person who works closely with my friends. He lives in S. Lebanon and routinely used to come into Beirut for meetings. He says that "each day, the bombs seem to come closer and closer to his home".

Here's how my friends concluded a recent message:
"Must close. There went a few more bombs. They're at it again."

2 articles from the BBC:

UN calls for Lebanon peace force


Beirut families with nowhere to go