Monday, October 30, 2006

Teach for America!

I just found an interesting program that I think I'll apply for. It's called Teach for America and essentially, they find qualified college grads to teach in rural or urban settings where it's difficult to find teachers.

No certificiation required! You take courses and tests while teaching to earn your certification. The program is for 2 years, during which time you get your regular salary from the school, plus possibly additional funding through Teach for America that goes toward future Graduate School costs.

From the timelines I see, it looks like I want to submit my application on November 6th. So...between now and then, I need to contact people who will be references and also people who will write letters of recommendation.

Fun, fun, fun!!!


David said...

I feel like I know a couple of people who have done that. Seems like fun, if somewhat challenging. Should be right up your alley.

Anonymous said...

If you've found a love for teaching, it may be the way to go. It would let you teach, learn about teaching, and earn the credentials you would need to make a career of it. Given the teacher shortage in the U.S., you'd have a lot of options after you finish.