Monday, October 09, 2006

A normal day?

My mother (Hi, mom!) recently commented that I don't write enough about what I do in Egypt. So, here's my attempt to fill you in on that.

Here's what my day looked like today:

My quite morning started with breakfast (4 scrambled eggs) and after that, I spent time reading, preparing for classes, and going over homework. After that, I went to my classroom around 4pm to make copies, then taught from 5-9pm

After class, I came back home for a few minutes before going out in search of dinner. I say "search" b/c it feels like that sometimes. My nearest restaurant for cheap sandwiches is apparently closed for remodeling, so I had to pick up some groceries and eat at home.
Dinner consisted of a piece of flatbread with peanut butter and grape jam, plus a small bag of popcorn that I had gotten from a guy selling it on the street.

After dinner, I emailed/chatted a bit, then went out to my favorite local cafe' at about 1am. I chatted with the guys there and relaxed until 2am. I ordered a drink called Sobeya, which is essentially cold milk with shaved bits of coconut and chunks of peanuts in it. Oh and sugar -- lots and lots of sugar. *laugh* I also had a Strawberry first time to try that flavor.

Now, time for bed!

1 comment:

David said...

I notice your day starts with breakfast, but the first actual -time- you mention is 4pm. Given how late you are always up, have you bid a fond farewell to mornings altogether?