Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Help Your Friends -- tell them about Firefox

A new version of Firefox (a program like Internet Explorer, but better in the opinion of many people) is coming and you should email a friend to tell them about it.

Actually, you can have them read about World Firefox Day. There, you can fill in a form to invite a friend to download Firefox. If they do, then the designers will write both your names somewhere in the new version of the program.


David said...

I got to meet a few of the folks who make the whole thing go over at OSCON last week, and see some of the cool stuff coming in v2 (the big new release coming in a couple of months). It looks cool beyond belief. -David

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the names will be in the source code or in the executable itself. If it is the latter, that will just increase the footprint on both hard drive and memory. Why bloat the program this way?

It reminds me of the Doom-like credit screen in Excel 2000. It's cute, but seems wasteful somehow.