Wednesday, April 10, 2002

Back in the office.

Trying for 1/2 day today, 1/2 day on Thursday and probably most of the day on Friday.

Surgery is next week, either Wednesday or Friday but probably Friday. That's when my facial surgeon, Dr. Fishman, has reserved time in the ER each week. They'll knock me out (gas, not a blow to the head) and I'll be on a breathing machine of some sort for a couple of hours while they operate. Total of 3 incisions made and a bunch of screws added to hold things together.

The surgeon let me ask lots of questions on Tuesday and explained things really well, but I forgot to ask one important question:

Will the screws set off the metal detectors at airports and elsewhere?


Seems like they would. I guess I'll have to carry a doctor's explanation or something.

Oh well, I'll see the facial surgeon again on Thursday afternoon and I can ask him then.

My boss just stoped by as I was writing this to chat. He (like many others) was surprised to see me. This is a pretty serious injury so I've been surprised that I am currently in no pain even without any medication right now! Initially I was taking lots of Advil but the facial surgeon asked me to stop taking that, in preparation for the surgery. We thought I might need to hit the vicodin but there has been no need yet.

I will be out of commission for about 2 weeks following the surgery so I'm trying to get things accomplished before the surgery.

On Tuesday, an opthalmologist confirmed that there is _no damage_ to my eye. *smile* That was great news! I thought it was fine and the ER staff thought it was fine, but it was good to have a thorough exam to confirm that. Even though it's undamaged, there was some trauma so it is sensitive. I think the drugs were taking the edge off that, so last night and this morning it bothered me a bit.

Irritated from the smoke at the restaurant, probably. Stephanie was in town on Tuesday for her birthday an to cart me around to my appointments. We baked banana bread and, watched the Wallace and Gromit movie "A Grand Day Out". I think she enjoyed it, but I forgot how much better both "The Wrong Trousers" and "A Close Shave" are. Stephanie asked about the tapes sitting on my movie rack and it was easier to show one than to explain...

We also watched "Law and Order", which I have gotten a bit hooked on over the past month.

For dinner, Stephanie wanted barbecue, so we went to Memphis Smoke in Royal Oak and stuck around for some music.

The Tuesday night entertainment is called "The Pazman Super Sessions" and essentially it's a big jam session of people from local bands who don't have gigs on Tuesday night. There were 2 guys from Mudpuppy, 2 of the Brothers Groove performing last night.

This morning I rested and watched "The Fast and the Furious". Decent flick. Good for a solid wake-up at 10 in the morning.

If you're still reading this and thinking that I'm really pushing it being so active, you're right. I know I'm going to be feeling cruddy for awhile after the surgery so right now while I feel ok I am trying to enjoy myself and run errands that need to be accomplished. I _still_ need to do my taxes and hopefully I can get that taken care of this evening.

Long entry, stopping now...

Thanks to everyone for their prayers, comments, phone calls, and emails.

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