Thursday, March 07, 2002

Accomplishments from yesterday:

1) Graphic mock-ups for the new Walsh website complete and ready for a 10am meeting today
2) Dropped off sign-up sheets for this weekend's service projects to my friend John from Genesis
3) Found a new place to live!!!! *smile* In mid-April, I'll be moving about a mile northwest of where I am now.
My buddy Bart from church just bought a house and I'm going to use 1 bedroom. "Nifty" place, complete with pool table in the basement!
4) Decided that when I move, we will not have a phone line but just our cellphones and cable modem for the computer.
5) Packed for my trip to Seattle!


Talking with people at the office to make sure things go well in the few days while I'm gone and the 10am meeting about changes to the website. Then -- to the airport!

Suggested reading for all of you, since I won't be updating again until Monday:

Star Trek fans (and others) may recognize that name as the actor who played Wesley Crusher in ST:TNG but he's also really fun and a technology geek! He writes about his family, his job, and plenty of normal things but then every once in awhile comes a fun story from the past or something happening with an audition. He's also in the upcoming Trek movie, so there's the possibility of information on that too.

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