Saturday, August 05, 2006

No glass bottles?

So, is it true that it's almost impossible now to get beverages in glass bottles in America? Just cans and plastic bottles?

This will be a very strange thing for me b/c in Egypt it's much cheaper to pay a deposit on a glass bottle and then exchange it each time you want soda/pop, rather than buying cans or plastic bottles. Plus, glass bottles are refilled locally and cans/plastic are imported.

I'm asking b/c I was listening to a recent Podcast of the Diner by James Lileks and it was all about classic beverages, but he also talked about changes in the system. I know, it sounds dull...but it feels like old-style radio listening to him! This link is to listen, but you can also subscribe to the Podcast and download weekly. Also, see for more fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What type of beverages are you referring to? I believe soda still comes in cans & plastic. Some of the specialty sodas (Coca Cola blak - Coke w/ coffee) you may find in small glass bottles, but more frequently I've seen them in cans.

Most juice is still in plastic containers, unless it is the individual size which you can get in glass. (A new drink I adore: pomegranate lychee green tea, available in a straight sided glass container.)

I haven't noticed a difference in the containers for beverages containing alcohol (cans & glass), but I don't tend to buy those more than once in a blue moon so I may just not have noticed.

One thing I have noticed is that there are a lot more organic products in the grocery store. The store local to me now carries 3 - 4 different brands of organic milk on any given day. For all the milk that comes in cartons, I can't find any cartons that don't have the screw off spout on the side. Interestingly, the store has also introduced milk in... glass bottles!