Thursday, May 29, 2003

Can it possibly be the end of May already???? Amazing! In some ways, it feels like I’ve been here a long time with all that I’ve done but in other ways it barely feels like I’ve been here any time at all! Yet it’s been almost 4 months!

Up early to have breakfast with Scott and Willie before they head off to the airport. After that I’ll do a bit of studying, take a nap, and go to Arabic tutorial tonight.

After Willie and Scott went to bed last night, I went up to the office to plunk away on the guitar a bit. Unfortunately it’s out of tune, so I need to get some help on that. While I was there, I turned on the TV and got sucked into “Maverick” with Jodie Foster and Mel Gibson.

What a funny movie! I had forgotten how many little jokes were in there! My favorite is the Danny Glover cameo. If you haven’t seen this western or haven’t seen it recently, I highly recommend it!

Hot, hot, hot! It never cooled off last night like it has the past few nights. *sigh* That’s not a good sign! It can’t be summer yet, can it???

So a few days ago, while window-shopping at one of my local computer stores, some of the young Egyptian guys started talking excitedly around me. They were convinced that I look like this famous French soccer player:

Zinedine Zidane

...and some pics...

I had no idea who this guy was, so I went hunting on the net, found some pictures, and then ask for a couple of opinions from folks back home (you know who you are) to see if they agreed.

Opinion 1: “Yeah, I can see the resemblance”
Opinion 2: “Are you taking something hallucinogenic?”

Now, you get to decide. What do you think? Let’s get a vote going here!

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