Tuesday, March 12, 2002

Not enough time right now for the Seattle Day 2 description, so I'll just post something short for now.

Movie Reviews from the weekend!!!!

I saw 3 movies while in Seattle. Yes, there were many better things to be doing but relaxation was necessary.

Movie Titles:
The Eruption of Mount St. Hellens
Shanghai Noon

For my rankings, I am introducing a radical new scale. It's called the "Z" scale and here's how it works:

The scale runs from zero Z's up to 100 Z's and a higher number signifies a better movie.
Numbers before the Z represent the percentage of people who will stay awake if the movie is viewed at midnight, presuming the people have been awake for an average of 16 hours.

Evolution -- 34Z's
Eruption of Mount St. Hellens -- 50Z's
Shanghai Noon -- 60Z's

How did I develop this scale and these scores? Testing in real-life situations. *smirk*

While watching Evolution, only 1 person out of 3 stayed awake past the 1st hour. Yes, it really was that bad.
Eruption of Mount St. Hellens was at an IMAX theater during the middle of the day and still only 1 of us (me) stayed awake.
The highest score here goes to Shanghai Noon with Jackie Chan. Not one of his better movies, but pretty ok. Well, at least the part I was awake for. I'm fudging the numbers a bit here, as well. All 3 people watching fell asleep for different parts of the movie, but 2 of us were awake for the ending and it was definitely better than Evolution.

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